This is the worst way to start a story, but that's just what it was. A moment when I couldn't talk and just looked around me with my jaw dropped, almost forgetting how to breathe.

When our trip from Riga to Tallinn was cancelled, my friend Judith and I started looking for a fun alternative: Something close to Riga and cheap to get to.
We randomly googled places we found on a map until we stumbled upon a picture of the Hill of crosses in Siauliai, Lithuania. Was this real? And what was it?
A short wikipedia research reveiled:
One theory is that the first crosses were erected by the families of the rebels, who fell in the 1831 rebellion.
In another theory, Maria visited this hill with baby Jesus. In another story a girl was healed because her father erected a cross on the hill.
So no one really knows when it started and why but there's a hill in the Lithuanian nowhere where people have stuck tons of crosses into the ground.

The next day we stepped out of a taxi on a field in Lithuania.
Just like in the pictures, there were crosses everywhere we looked.
From giant ones, several meters high above our heads to tiny colourful rosaries dangling from smaller crosses.
In some areas, the crosses were simply piled on top of each other, while towards the edges they were still standing by themselves.

Judith and I just started walking. There was no one else there and all we could see were crosses and fields.
Once you walk up the hill, you will find a madonna statue on the top. The crosses around it are taller, so she doesn't stand out but it looks like she could have been the start of it all.

I took several hundred pictures because I felt too overwhelmed to just stand there and look. I wasn't sure if I was scared or just oberwhelmed.
We simply kept walking through the fields of crosses, not talking and taking pictures until both our memory cards were full.
Not being religious, this place still rendered me speechless. How many crosses were there? How many people have come here to put there cross down? And where were they all now?
I still can't find the right words to describe this place, it simply is: Breathtaking.

Did you ever visit a place that absolutely blew your mind? Let me know in the comments!
Hill of crosses, about 15km from Siauliai, Lithuania
How to get there:
take a minibus from Riga to Siauliai. There is a connecting bus (towards Joniskis) once an hour. The stop is Domantu station and you will have to walk for another 30min after that.
Or you take a taxi from Siauliai bus station, which is about 20€. If you ask nicely, the driver might wait for you free of charge to take you back.
How much:
Write a comment
Yarns of Whales and Snow (Monday, 23 March 2015 15:12)
Now that IS creepy. It's a pity I didn't know about it when I visited Riga. Would like to see that hill for sure! Thx for the post!
YarnsofWhalesandSnow (Monday, 23 March 2015 15:13)
Now that IS creepy. It's a pity I didn't know about it when I visited Riga. Would like to see that hill for sure! Thx for the post!
Sarah (Monday, 23 March 2015 15:41)
I know, it IS creepy!
I heard Vilnius (capital of Lithuania) is worth a trip as well! I haven't been there myself but maybe that gives you a reason to go to Lithuania and check out the crosses :)
YarnsofWhalesandSnow (Tuesday, 24 March 2015 09:12)
Now I mixed up Lithuania and Latvia. Shame on me...ugh.
Sarah (Wednesday, 25 March 2015 08:27)
I took a day trip from Riga as well, so it kind of counts ;)
Maaike (Travellous World) (Wednesday, 03 June 2015 09:50)
I'm not sure how to react to these photos. On the one hand I think they're beautiful, on the other hand, it could be the setting of a very disturbing movie...
Sarah (Thursday, 04 June 2015 08:02)
I'm with you Maaike, I think is place is as beautiful as it is disturbing!
Joshua (Sunday, 21 June 2015 20:36)
Thank you for sharing I had no idea this place was there. Great site!
Sarah (Sunday, 21 June 2015 22:33)
Thanks, Joshua! I had no idea either this places existed before I kind of accidentally ended up there
Essay Writing Help (Thursday, 28 September 2017 13:20)
There are many things in history which is not clear like there is no trace of such record at all. You just visited a place where the real story or what actually happened there doesn’t reveal at all and it’s an old history so people probably have forgotten about it.
[url=]google[/url] (Friday, 20 April 2018 12:54)